Abode Services (6 Bay Area Counties)
Support in the design and development of pilot program providing cash transfers to rapid re-housing program participants, to be evaluated via randomized control trial. Served as initial project manager and primary liaison with funders, evaluators, and program staff.
Support and project management for the launch of Project Roomkey Housing Transitions, a bridge housing program to support homeless Alameda County residents at high risk of COVID-19 with moving from emergency hotels to permanent housing.
Contract compliance support and training for staff of HUD-funded permanent supportive housing programs, with an emphasis on homeless and chronic homeless definitions, eligibility determinations and documentation, allowable use of program funds, file architecture, and other program regulations.
Project management for Project Welcome Home, California’s first Pay-For-Success permanent supportive housing program for chronically homeless individuals who are frequent users of County systems.
Development and submission of several successful funding proposals for housing and service programs.
Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department
Technical assistance with the Department’s submission of 12 Project Applications for 2019 HUD Continuum of Care funding, including renewal applications and new project submissions.
Building Futures for Women and Children (Alameda County)
Technical assistance related to Continuum of Care program compliance and regulations, including file review, development of tools for rent calculation, and other staff training and support.
Episcopal Community Services (San Francisco)
Technical support for newly created Scattered Site Housing team, including development of policies and procedures, capacity building, and support with program design and infrastructure.
Project management associated with developing and implementing Employee Performance Review system and process, including facilitation of feedback sessions with agency leadership, development of training materials, and support for the Human Resources staff responsible for system oversight.
Kahumana/ASI (Waianae, HI)
Program design and grant-writing support to convert two transitional housing programs into rapid re-housing in order to adapt evidence based practices, improve outcomes, and increase the number of clients served.
LifeLong Medical Care (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties)
Project management services associated with launch and implementation of the Adeline Street Recuperative Care Program, a medical respite program serving 27 homeless Alameda County residents with acute medical needs. Support included development of policies and procedures, design of data and reporting workflows, assistance with program design, and ongoing support of program operations and compliance.
Marin County Department of Health and Human Services
Support for the development of Homekey 2.0 program site located at 1251 S. Eliseo Drive in Larkspur, including grant writing, program design, community engagement, and preparation of materials/presentations for public meetings.
Implementation of the Whole Person Care initiative, a pilot program designed to draw upon Medi-Cal waiver funds to connect vulnerable homeless clients to health care and other critical housing services through outreach, enhanced care coordination, data sharing, and other infrastructure. Expanded services included coordinated entry and comprehensive case management for homeless and at-risk Marin residents.
Support with the issuance of Requests for Proposals for homeless program funding opportunities and coordination of review panel for funding decisions.
Napa County Health and Human Services Agency
Implementation of the Whole Person Care initiative, a pilot program designed to draw upon Medi-Cal waiver funds to connect vulnerable homeless clients to health care and other critical housing services through outreach, enhanced care coordination, data sharing, and other infrastructure. Expanded services included street outreach, care coordination, coordinated entry, and benefits advocacy.
Technical assistance with designing and implementing a Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool, a program that pools financial assistance resources together under one administrative umbrella to allow homeless people to access assistance as quickly as possible, and for that assistance to be truly flexible in order to address their unique barriers to housing.
San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing
Design and launch of San Francisco’s Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool, a program that pools financial assistance resources together under one administrative umbrella to allow homeless people to access assistance as quickly as possible, and for that assistance to be truly flexible in order to address their unique barriers to housing.
Santa Clara County Office of Reentry Services
[Performed as subcontractor to Consulting Within Reach] Preparation of organizational assessment and report in honor of the ten-year anniversary of the passage of AB109. Research consisted of interviews and focus group with subject matter experts, local stakeholders, and people with lived experience of incarceration, with a focus on lessons learned and how to expand impact in the next ten years.
Swords to Plowshares (San Francisco)
Development of policies and procedures for managing and operating supportive housing programs for homeless and at-risk veterans in San Francisco, including policies governing the provision of supportive services and property management services.
Telecare Corporation (California)
Development and facilitation of a five-part Learning Community in support of Telecare’s expansion of their housing programs and staffing. Themes included the current environment for developing permanent supportive programs, barriers to housing for people with mental illness, understanding and navigating coordinated entry, how to build a housing team, and identifying and building essential partnerships.