
Abode Services

“I would recommend Stacey as a consultant without any hesitation. She is an expert in homeless policy and regulation. More importantly, she can apply her knowledge in the field, understanding both the capacity of a provider agency as well as the unique political and geographic context of their work.  She is an exceptional communicator and has the unique ability to translate complex ideas and processes into elegant language that people can relate to.”

– Vivian Wan, Chief Operating Officer

Napa County Health and Human Services Agency

“Stacey has been such an important part of the homeless systems change efforts we are implementing in Napa. Specifically, she has supported the design and launch of our Whole Person Care program, has helped to operationalize Napa’s Flexible Housing Funding Pool and continues to provide much-needed technical assistance around funding opportunities, compliance and large-scale programmatic decisions. She is an excellent thought partner and we would be lost without her!”

– Nui Bezaire, Homeless Programs Manager

LifeLong Medical Care

“Stacey’s content expertise, work ethic, and communication skills have improved our Medical Respite program operations and collaborations. She quickly assesses complex situations, gives honest feedback, and offers realistic and effective solutions.  Management and line staff appreciate her practical, good-humored approach and thorough follow through and we know that her contribution has helped us provide high quality care to our clients.”

– Brenda Goldstein, Chief of Integrated Services

Marin County Department of Health and Human Services

“We’ve relied heavily on Stacey’s extensive knowledge and can-do attitude to get our Whole Person Care program up and running in Marin.  She has been a crucial member of our team who never fails to deliver.” 

– Ken Shapiro, Director, Whole Person Care